
Avant-garde, Innovation, Sustainability


We support our Clients at every stage of the Construction Process

BOLINA Ingegneria operates in the field of structural engineering and infrastructures with particular reference to Bridges, Special Structures and Seismic Engineering. We are actively involved both in the field of new structures and in the field of existing ones.
BOLINA supports its Clients from the Conceptual Design to the Construction phase and, further more, to the management, monitoring, retrofitting and disposal of Structures through their entire Life-Cycle.
BOLINA can count on state-of-the-art scientific and technical set of tools constantly updated in order to provide the highest standards in structural engineering, referred both to single structures or large assets.

Wonderful opportunity to create innovative and sustainable structures

Bridges are extraordinary objects. “Sincere” structures, able to combine at the highest level Shape and Structural Response.
This type of structures, often wrongly considered as mere crossing devices, are wonderful opportunities to combine high technologies,  research and sustainability in structural design.
BOLINA Ingegneria, in the last years, has gained a remarkable experience in the field of bridges and footbridges ranging the very early stages of Conceptual Design, to the most advanced Construction Design projects with extensive use of BIM technology.

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Engineering pushed to the highest levels

Special structures, such as long-span roofs, tall buildings, domes, geodes and other complex expressions of structural forms, constitute an opportunity for a constant increase in know-how in search for innovative and Engineering Solutions and often represent the State-of-Art in Structural Engineering
BOLINA Ingegneria, in the last years, has gained a remarkable experience in the field of Special Structures ranging the very early stages of Conceptual Design, to the most advanced Construction Design projects with extensive use of BIM technology.

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Value protection of new and existing assets single structures and infrastructures as well as large Assets.

The seismic protection of structures from Earthquakes represent a very key issue in earthquake prone areas.
Today we are fully aware of the importance of ensuring, in addition to the full safety of the occupants, also the value of the “envelope” and its contents, ensuring immediate use and uninterrupted function of buildings and bridges in the in an earthquake aftermath.
BOLINA Engineering has gained an unique experiences in the field of seismic engineering both in the field of new construction of anti-seismic structures and in the protection and response improvement of the existing ones with the use of the most advanced technologies including seismic isolation and energy dissipation.
BOLINA can boast a broad experience also in the seismic protection of heritage structures and monuments.

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Advanced management of structures, infrastructures and large assets projects

The management and control of a building or a bridge from its construction through its entire life span is getting a predominant role for the Owner due to the relevant economic implications associated with the optimization of the management costs associated to its entire life-cycle.
BOLINA Ingegneria has gained a broad experience and know-how in the field of digital tools in the Design, Construction, Operation and Management of Structures. BOLINA has developed specific software such as BMS (bridge Management System) and risk-based fast assessment tools for the evaluation of large assets of structures.

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