
Gallery “Montericco” and “Valcalda” (Italy)


Assistance in the executive design of the consolidation, waterproofing and water regulation.


The two tunnels, respectively 278 m long (Valcalda) and 890 m (Montericco), have an average width of the road surface at the base of the piers of about 10 m and a maximum height of about 6.80 m.

The Valcalda tunnel is characterized by cracks on almost all of the vertical joints and formations of wet areas straddling the cracks.

The Montericco tunnel presents in the first section sporadic local cracks with mostly vertical trends, while in the second section local cracking phenomena of the vertical joints with the presence of wet areas.

We intervened with the sealing of cracks and water outlets by injection of polyurethane resin, after hydro-scarification and cleaning of the deteriorated concrete existing only in the affected parts and subsequent restoration of the parts removed with fiber-reinforced mortar. After the restoration and consolidation of the vault, interventions were planned to improve visibility in the tunnel with a painting of the piers of the vault to a height of 3 m.

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