
Artwork by ENEL Green Power (Italy)


Census of works – visual inspections and defect card – Major risk analysis and classification


The activity involved the implementation of the MIT’s “Guidelines for Risk Classification and Management, Safety Assessment and Monitoring of Existing Bridges.”
Inspections were carried out in order to define Classes of Attention on 14 works of art of ENEL GREEN POWER by certified internal personnel (VT).
The activity was mainly divided into three steps.
-Step1 (on desk): census of the works and their main characteristics by collecting available information and documentation.
-Step2 (on site): Visual inspections, verification of reliability of collected data, and collection of additional information on the actual geometric and structural characteristics of the work.
-Step3 (on desk): calculation of the class of attention, the focus of the analysis, i.e., classification of the work according to the logical flows defined by MIT, divided into 5 Classes. Depending on the class in which the work falls, the analyses to which it will be subjected will have a different degree of difficulty and depth.

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