
Consistency Check – Palazzo del Cinema, Venice (Italy)


Verification of building condition on an experimental basis and identification of local criticalities and vulnerabilities


The building under consideration, located on the Venice Lido, is owned by the City Council and in use by the “La Biennale di Venezia” Foundation.
It underwent renovation/modernization in the 1990s and thereafter, it has undergone only extraordinary maintenance and periodic repainting.

The analysis carried out focused on two main phases of work:
1. Carrying out a campaign of non-destructive or micro-destructive investigations that included: mapping of critical issues and vulnerabilities; carrying out sonic, thermographic and georadar tests; and local assays and breakthroughs to identify any corrosive states of the reinforcement.
2. Criticality and vulnerability analysis: study of the survey material; performance of additional surveys; interpretation of the results of the survey campaign; drafting of a criticality and vulnerability report with identification of the relative level of intensity.
The work also provided an initial indication regarding the materials and processing cycles required for the temporary securing of the critical issues found

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